Pubblicazioni e partecipazioni a congressi

  • Lecturer at  National Congress SIPSa “Health as a shared social Responsibility, (Rovigo, 1st-4th October 2008 ) with the report “Integrated pathways to promote health and well-being at school”,  Azienda USL 5 di Pisa.
  • Participation in III National Congress “Course Planning –  Planning the Training (Padova 6th-7th February 2009) with the Poster: “Fear of being homosexual in adolescence: an experience of role-taking and role-playing in training”, in collaboration with Azienda USL 5 di Pisa and University of Pisa.
  • Participation in 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (Pisa, 23rd-26th September 2009) with a Poster carried out in collaboration with the University of Pisa and Azienda Usl 5 di Pisa.
  • Participation in  SISDCA Rome National Congress, 26th- 27th February 2016 with a poster titled: “The thin ideal and body discomfort: a case study of an intervention for selective prevention of Eating Disorder”.
  • Participation in the III SIPA in June 2016(Italian Society of Eating Behaviour Psychopathology) National Congress ” from Neuroscience to Psychotherapies”. New paradigms for understanding Eating disorders, titled: “Corporeal dissatisfaction and selective prevention interventions for DCA (Eating Disorders) in a non-clinical sample of adolescents”.
  • Partecipation in SISDCA Rome National Congress, (8th-11th March 2017) with a poster titlet: “Body image and muscularity desire in a sample of adolescent males”
  • Partecipation in Academy for Eating Disorders International Congress, (Prague Czech Republic, 8th-10th June 2017) with a poster titled “Body Image, BMI and Eating Behaviour in a Sample of Adolescent Males”.
  • Lectures in National Congress “Lo stato dell’arte nella prevenzione, cura e riabilitazione dei disturbi alimentazione e obesità” in Pe(n)sa Differente Festival- Lecce (15th-17th june 2017) with a report: “Associations for Eating Disorders and services Network: La vita oltre lo specchio association’s experiencein city of Pisa”
  • Partecipation in Congress (Department of Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Geriatrics and Department of Mental Health, ASL Modena, 15th June 2017) with a poster titled: “Restricted food attitudes as a risk factor for eating disorders. Study of a non clinical sample concerning male teenages in a city of Ferrara”.
  • Correlator three thesis in University of Pisa
  • Partecipation in International Congress SISDCA/Academy for Eating Disorder “Nuove Frontiere nel trattamento dei disturbi dell’alimentazione e dell’obesità- Conference of the European Chapter” (8th -10th March 2018) with an oral communication: “Food Habits, Eating behaviour and body perception in a young males: a multicentre Italian study”
  • Partecipation in Academy for Eating Disorders International Congress, (Chicago, Illinois, 19th-21th April 2018) with a poster titled: “Body perception, Body dissatisfaction and BMI in young males: a multicentre Italian study”.
  • Partecipation in Academy for Eating Disorder International Congress (New York 14-16 March 2019) with a poster titled: “Male Photographic Figure Scale (MPFS): development and validation of a new body image test”.